marți, 26 iunie 2012

Prima poveste a Mariei


In the middle of an Indian jungle there was a SUPER big cherry tree. ln this cherry tree there was lots and lots of cherries. But one very warm day a beautiful lightly red cherry named Cherrylina fell down from the tree.
'What can I do?' asked Cherrylina the other little-bit pink cherries that didn't fall off.
'Maybe you should send a colored interesting letter about what happened to you to somebody that can help you, like the cute blue elephant', said Anna the cherry [Cherrylina's best friend]
'Ok,  I will send it to the I think grey elephant' said Cherrylina very happy because she will be saved by the elephant.

Dear Elephant,
I fell down from the tree, Please help me, I don’t want to die here. Geve me something so that I can fly please.  Then I will fly so we will walk(fly) together.
Your friend,

Dear Cherrylina
I will bring something for you because I don’t want you to die. It will be very fun to walk (fly) together.  I don’t know where to find it, but I will try.
Your friend,

So the elephant was trying to find something that could fly because Cherrylina was waiting there under the tree. The elephant was thinking what should he bring until somebody was knocking at the door. lt was a penguin.The penguin said that he had a flying basket for the cherry.
"Ok! Thank you but... can you give it to me faster because Cherrylina will die there under the tree!"
"Who is Cherrylina?" asked the not so smart penguin.
"Ohh the cherry, you know  Cherry + lina = Cherrylina ’the cherry.'
„ Ok, Ok, take it!"and the penguin was gone.
The elephant was very happy to go to Cherrylina to give her the basket. Now he was there but he didn't find Cherrylina because she wasn't the only one that fell down so he cried loudly: "Cherrylina where are you?"
"l am here!"said a very quiet voice.
"Ok I have a flying basket!" said the elephant. "Come on I will help you go up"
"l'm coming!" said Cherrylina.
So they flew together for a long, long time.
Această poveste a fost scrisă de Maria pentru un proiect pe care il desfășoară clasa ei. Trebuie să recunosc că sunt marcat.

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